Thursday, May 8, 2014

Using AIP4WIN under the Windows 8 operating system

For years now, I have been working with Richard Berry's and James Burnell's excellent astronomical image processing software called AIP4WIN.  In 2009, I used it as my primary tool in my final research project for my Master's degree in relation to hunting for an exoplanet using photometric means.  The software's Magnitude Measurement Tool allowed me to get an enormous amount of work done in not a lot of time, giving me much more time to interpret results and write the research paper.  I am convinced that the extra advantage this software gave me helped me win the University Medal "for outstanding academic achievement at the Masters level".

Later, I used its image processing features to bring out the details in some of my deep space astrophotos.  Subsequently, those same photos won some astronomical photography awards.

Now I am returning to this software to examine light curves of stars that I imaged several years ago, but never got around to analyzing.  I will be looking for variability in these stars that was previously unknown and also maybe see if some have exoplanets that can be detected via the transit method.   However, I had difficulty getting the latest formal release (version 2.4.0)  to work on my new Windows 8 based computer.

For those who have been facing a similar problem with AIP4WIN under Windows 8, I thought I would let you know that it now works properly on my new computer.  The solution is to download the latest beta test version 2.4.1, which is available here:

Be sure to uninstall the earlier version of AIP4WIN before you install the beta version software.